Application Details
New to the Trust
In 2025, we are prioritizing wellness and staff support for nonprofits, and we are only accepting applications for the Sabbatical Fund and Culture and Care Funds. These grants are only for current grantee partners who have received general operating support.
Funding for Thriving Communities, Resilient Families, and Strengthening Democracy has already been allocated for 2025.
Please sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of our homepage to receive updates about our grantmaking.
Online Application Overview
Employer Identification Number:
To start the application, please provide your organization’s Employer Identification Number. Sample: 39-1234567
We accept applications via the GivingData application portal. Read the guide on navigating the portal here or watch the video demonstration here. Please only include materials requested by The Trust. We recommend that applicants have a completed profile on GivingMatters™ by the deadline.
Online Application Features
All applications must be submitted via our secure online application process. Please review our eligibility criteria before applying.
User Login
Create a password, with your email address as a username. If you are applying on behalf of more than one organization, please use separate email addresses for each organization. We will not share your email address with any other organization.
Email Confirmation
Your email will be used to confirm that we received your application.
Start Now, Finish Later
You are able to begin the application and return to it later.

learn more about our grants:

Need Help?
Not sure which grant applies to you? Check out Our Eligibility Criteria page to learn more.

Still have questions?
Visit our FAQ Page to learn more about the application process, eligibility requirements, deadlines and more.