Established in 1986 as a 501(c)3 organization the mission of the Domestic Violence Program is to prevent violence, protect victims, and empower survivors. The organization accomplishes this mission by providing free services, resources and assistance necessary to compassionately and effectively deal with the personal health, social, and legal implications of victimization by domestic violence and sexual assault. The agency’s goals/outcomes for the year include: 110 of 200 (55%) of counseling clients will report a 3 point reduction in anxiety and mood symptoms for positive mental health and well-being as measured using the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) and the Posttraumatic Checklist (PCL-5). 956 of 1125 (85%) of completed client surveys will indicate “strongly agree” or “agree” to “My level of stress and anxiety about my personal well-being has been reduced a result of the support of the services I’ve received.