In 1991, Nurses for Newborns (NFN) was founded in Missouri in response to the high infant mortality rate in the greater St. Louis area. In October 2001, NFN recognized a similar need in Nashville and opened the Tennessee office to provide prevention-based support to families in Middle Tennessee. The mission of Nurses for Newborns of Tennessee is to provide a safety net for families most at-risk in order to prevent infant mortality, child abuse and neglect by providing in-home nursing visits, which promote healthcare, education, and positive parenting skills. The funds requested in the application will support a part-time licensed mental health provider for the In-Home Mental Health Services program. 28 out of 35 (80%) clients (who have completed the pre- and post-test GAF) will show improved mental health through a 10-point increase in their GAF score from intake to completion. 28 out of 35 (80%) clients who present mental health symptoms (and completed the pre- and post-test BDI) will report a 35% decrease in symptoms.