In 1999 two physicians, Dr. David Gaw and Dr. John Lamb, dreamed of creating in Nashville what they had been doing on mission trips–providing quality healthcare for those who could least afford it. They enlisted the support of Charlie Martin, a highly-regarded healthcare executive, and two years later this vision became reality when Faith Family Medical Center (FFMC) opened on October 8, 2001. Since that time, FFMC has served 35,000+ patients through 140,000+ patient visits and become a leader in providing medical care, behavioral health, and wellness programs for neighbors in need. The agency’s goals/outcomes for the year include: 60% (225) of 375 diabetic patients achieve/maintain controlled A1C. 50% (450) of 900 qualifying patients receive colon cancer screening. 67% (328) of 490 qualifying patients, using USPSTF guidelines, receive breast imaging.