In 1991, Nurses for Newborns (NFN) was founded in Missouri in response to the high infant mortality rate in Greater St. Louis. In October 2001, NFN recognized a similar need in Nashville and opened the Tennessee office to provide prevention-based support to families in Middle Tennessee. The mission of Nurses for Newborns of Tennessee is to provide a safety net for families most at-risk in order to prevent infant mortality, child abuse and neglect by providing in-home nursing visits, which promote healthcare, education, and positive parenting skills. The funds requested in the application will support a part-time licensed mental health provider for the new In-Home Mental Health Services program. 28 out of 35 (or 80%) clients who present with mental health symptoms will report a 35% decrease in symptoms. 28 out of 35 (or 80%) clients served will report they have a physical and emotional safety plan and will report they have experienced improvements in at least two areas of the Outcomes Rating Scale. This could be improvement individually, interpersonally, socially, or in their overall well-being.